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 | The Spectrum Crunch – Capacity & Coverage |  | |
 | The insatiable demand for more spectrum continues. Real Wireless recently completed a major study for Ofcom, looking at the commercial and technical demand for spectrum over the next 20 years. The conclusion? We need 80x more spectrum. But how to find it? |  | |
 | As always with Real Wireless, the study considered both technical and commercial aspects, including innovations in standards such as LTE-A and beyond. The results? We predict that we will need 300MHz of licensed and 350MHz unlicensed more spectrum than we have today. To find out what is driving this need and how it will be met click here |  | |
 | Wembley Wireless |  | |
 | Sports stadiums are notoriously some of the hardest challenges in wireless today,with population density of 1million/sq km and incredible traffic peaks as fans watch video and upload photos at the same time. |  | |
 | London's Wembley Stadium is one of the busiest in the world, famous for football (soccer), with a reputation for hosting great events. It's also one of Real Wireless' longest running clients. We started advising Wembley Stadium (and the Football Association) before it opened. This relationship continues, addressing all their cellular, radio and wireless demands. |  | |
 | This is only one of our clients in this area; if you are involved in venues or sports stadiums then we should talk. Email us here. |  | |
 | UK Plans National Spectrum Strategy |  | |
 | Real Wireless has been asked to chair a group as part of the UK government's drive to develop a national spectrum strategy. The new group unites the UK telecoms regulator Ofcom with industry representatives and government leads - including defence and emergency services. |  | |
 | Director of Technology at Real Wireless, Simon Saunders, will chair the Technology & Demand Group. This UK body will feed into EU policy and ITU-R’s World Radio Conference 2015, which will consider additional mobile spectrum allocations specifically for 5G. It is likely that these discussions will influence future spectrum deployments around the world. For more detail, read our blog here. |  | |
 | Solving In-Building Coverage |  | |
 | It is increasingly clear that in-building coverage is becoming a differentiator for operators and an essential service for building owners. |  | |
 | We are increasingly being asked to advise building owners and landlords, on how to deliver the best coverage and a consistently great experience for visitors. What we provide is a strategy that makes commercial sense and to manage the relationship between the enterprise and the operator. |  | |
 | Developers and architects are thinking about cellular coverage and wireless technology a lot earlier than they used to, propelled by new energy efficient building construction which also attenuates wireless signals. Offices and public buildings are more dependent on good mobile coverage than ever before. It's never too soon to get us involved. Our expertise lies in predicting what businesses need to meet consumer demand in the future. Email us for more information. |  | |
 | Real Wireless Events Update |  | |
 | Cambridge Wireless Small Cell SIG Event - ‘Small Cells and the Enterprise’, a London-based half day event that will explore the various options and solutions available for cellular coverage from the perspectives of both the enterprises and the MNOs by looking at the business cases, technical and deployment challenges. Simon Saunders of Real Wireless will be speaking. |  | |
 | We'll be at Small Cells Americas in Dallas this year discussing our work on backhaul and participating in many of the sessions. |  | |
 | The Small Cell Forum will launch Release Two: Enterprise at the event and Real Wireless played a key role in developing the business case. If you are interested in the business case email us and we'll send you a copy as soon as it's available. |  | |
 | Simon Saunders, Director of Technology at Real Wireless, will be a judge for the GSMA Mobile Awards. The Awards are open to all eligible mobile companies and supporters of the mobile eco-system and the deadline is 29 November 2013. Awards are presented during Mobile World Congress in Barcelona from 25-28 February 2014. |  | |
 | Real Wireless in the News |  | |
 | RCR Wireless interviewed Simon Saunders about the future of spectrum view it here. BBC Worldwide reported on the spectrum crunch featuring input from Real Wireless. It also appeared on Terra, View it in Spanish here. Light Reading looked at how to turn thin & crispy 3G coverage into deep pan 4G, view it here. |  | |
 | About Real Wireless |  | |
 | Real Wireless is the pre-eminent independent expert advisor in wireless technology, strategy and regulation worldwide. Our clients include Wembley Stadium and other venues, GSMA, Virgin Media, Ofcom and mobile network operators. |  | |
 | We are independent wireless experts delivering better wireless for better business. |  | |